Ziad K Abdelnour Addressing FPC Event
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  • So you want to bet the Currency Markets like a Multi-Billion Dollar Family Office?

    By: Ziad K. Abdelnour | 25 May 2010

    If you’ve travelled internationally over the past few years, you’ve noticed how much less your dollar buys. US purchasing power has declined by 70% -80% since 2002, and the story is not over yet. Such concerns were nonexistent prior to 1971, when the world had fixed exchange rates: currencies...

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  • Alternative Energy is a long overdue solution whose Time has come

    By: Ziad K. Abdelnour | 23 May 2010

    Last Thursday, May 20, 2010, marked one month since BP's oil rig exploded in the Gulf Coast .... This is the clearest picture we could have of our failed national energy policy -- which extends over many decades and administrations. It's not just the one BP oil rig. For example, since the Deep...

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  • On Women's Coming to Power and how we at Blackhawk are dealing with it

    By: Ziad K. Abdelnour | 21 May 2010

    We at Blackhawk believe that a huge and fast-growing group of people are poised to take their place in the economic mainstream over the next decade, as producers, consumers, employees, and entrepreneurs. This group’s impact on the global economy will be at least as significant as that of China and...

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  • How to best Protect Your Assets in the turbulent times ahead

    By: Ziad K. Abdelnour | 19 May 2010

    Morning folks Take a few minutes to read this article http://thedailybell.com/1050/IMF-Plotting-Gold-Backed-SDRs.html At the rate we are going, it seems that there is no other choice for the USD (Dollar) than to be DEVALUED and that there will soon be a new Global Currency backed by GOLD. O...

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  • On the Challenges and Opportunities we see in Latin America

    By: Ziad K. Abdelnour | 17 May 2010

    Despite previous Venture Capital (VC) and Private Equity (PE) activity in Latin America since the mid 80s, the asset class can still be considered a “new species” in the region. Taking however into account the growth levels the asset class experienced in developed markets during that same time p...

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  • On the Challenges and Opportunities we see in Turkey

    By: Ziad K. Abdelnour | 15 May 2010

    Although Turkey is today at the center of the world with on one side Russia, on another side the Gulf countries, and on the other side the Central East Asian countries., it is without a doubt turning into a tourist and financial and investment center in the region second to none. Having bounced b...

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  • On the Israeli hi-tech experience and what we should all learn from it

    By: Ziad K. Abdelnour | 13 May 2010

    In the 1990s, Israel emerged as a leading center for technology start-ups and innovation. In 2000, near the peak of the high-tech boom, Israel had 4000 high-tech firms and new ones were forming at the rate of about 500 start-ups per year. Today, out of the 101 companies trading on NASDAQ; 63 of them...

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  • On the Challenges and Opportunities we see in Africa

    By: Ziad K. Abdelnour | 11 May 2010

    Though the allure of private equity might have faded in developed markets, we at Blackhawk believe that Africa is providing golden opportunities for funds that are willing to swallow a bit more risk. It was a geographer, George Kimble, who best summed up Western perceptions two centuries after Sw...

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  • On the Challenges and Opportunities we see in India

    By: Ziad K. Abdelnour | 09 May 2010

    We believe that despite a challenging regulatory environment, strong fundamentals in India continue to offer some highly attractive investment opportunities. After some difficult times that witnessed both the global financial crisis and an internal food crisis brought on by weak monsoons, India...

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  • On the Challenges and Opportunities we see in Russia

    By: Ziad K. Abdelnour | 07 May 2010

    Although Russia is today the world's largest producer of oil and gas, which is the primary source of its power, we at Blackhawk believe that multiple challenges in the Russian context presently impede the development of the private equity industry and will continue to do so until effective changes t...

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